Our Keto story
How it all started

Before we began our Keto diet/lifestyle journey, we made and sold Cinnamon Glazed Bavarian Nuts (yes, with lots of sugar). Not only did we love them but lots of people did too. We decided for health reasons to stop eating sugar and go low carb.
We both were on blood pressure meds and wanted to avoid high cholesterol meds. We decided on the Ketogenic diet because it made the most sense to us, we liked the foods and the mental and physical benefits of it. Well, we now had a problem! We didn't feel comfortable making and selling a product that we would not eat ourselves because of the health problems associated with sugar. So, we began experimenting with a praline product to replace our Cinnamon Glazed Nuts and eventually replaced them on our website.
Then we began making sugar free peanut butter cookies for ourselves and other yummy cookies and decided that if we were going to make them for ourselves, why not offer them to our praline customers. So that's how Keto Cottage all began!
Our baked goods are made with a no sugar Erythritol/Stevia blend or Monkfruit sweetener. It depends on the item. Check the listing description for the sweetener used. We are always testing new recipes to bring you the best products that we can. It has become a labor of love!
We love knowing that we are helping diabetics along with people that are eating better to become healthier. The rest of the story is that we both feel great, have lost weight, have mental clarity like never before, been able to get off of blood pressure medications and avoid high cholesterol medication altogether. Plus we get to enjoy all of the yummy treats that we share with you all.
Thank you so much for your patronage! We love our customers!